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79. bond
80. boiler room
boiler room bond
n. a fraud scheme involving cold calling v. to store in a warehouse
Forms: plural: boiler rooms Forms: bonded; bonded; bonding
81. bonded
82. bond
bond bonded
n. link; connection; obligation; grasp; certificate of debt adj. secured in a warehouse
Forms: plural: bonds
83. book
84. bonus
bonus book
n. dividend; perk; monetary gift v. to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate
Forms: plural: bonuses Forms: booked; booked; booking
85. bookcase
86. book
book bookcase
n. printed work which is bound together; bundle n. shelves used to store printed items
Forms: plural: books Forms: plural: bookcases
87. boost
88. boost
boost boost
v. to raise; to push; to urge; to lift n. push; lift; incentive; encouragement
Forms: boosted; boosted; boosting Forms: plural: boosts
89. border
90. border
23 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net
B 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary Words
border border
v. to be adjacent to n. boundary; edge; limit
Forms: bordered; bordered; bordering Forms: plural: borders
91. bother
92. borrow
borrow bother
v. to take on loan; to copy; to steal v. to annoy; to harass; to worry; to make an effort; to be
Forms: borrowed; borrowed; borrowing Forms: bothered; bothered; bothering
93. bothersome
94. bother
bother bothersome
n. effort; nuisance adj. annoying; irritating
Forms: plural: bothers
95. bottom
96. bottom
bottom bottom
n. base; foot; seat of a chair v. to establish; to construct; to base; to provide a
Forms: plural: bottoms Forms: bottomed; bottomed; bottoming
97. bound
98. bottom
bottom bound
adj. lower; under n. limit; border
Forms: plural: bounds
99. bound
bound bound
v. to jump; to leap adj. obligated; certain; fastened; tied
Forms: bounded; bounded; bounding
101. box
box box
v. to fight with fists; to put crates n. case; crate; punch; hit
Forms: boxed; boxed; boxing Forms: plural: boxes
103. brake
brake brake
v. to stop a vehicle; to slow down a vehicle n. device which is used to slow or stop a vehicle
Forms: braked; braked; braking Forms: plural: brakes
105. branch
24 PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net
B 3420 TOEIC Vocabulary Words
branch branch
v. to fork; to divide into parts or sections n. affiliate; office; industry; trade; business unit
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