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    police arrived?
    3.If I & & & & & & & (know) you were ill, I would have visited you and brought you
    4.I was more than happy to see Tom again as I & & & & & & & & .(not/see) him for ages.
    Past Perfect or Past Simple
    1. After he & & & & & & & & & & ..(finish) his homework, he & & & & & & & & .(eat) a
    2. By the time she came to meet him, he & & & & & & & & & & .(fall) asleep.
    3. Last year she & & & & & & & & & ..(visit) Scotland. In Edinburgh she wanted to buy a
    kilt. She & & & never & & & & & (wear) a kilt before.
    4. During her last visit in Scotland she & & & & & & & & & .(take) a lot of pictures.
    5. The man who invited us for a cup of coffee was a complete stranger to us. We
    & & & & & & .never& & & & & & & (see) him before.
    6. The two little girls & & & & & & ..(want) to open the door but the church was closed.
    Someone & & & & & & & & & ..(lock) them.
    7. They had already finished their picnic when we & & & & & & & & ..(arrive).
    8. On her way back home, she & & & & & & & & & & ..(enter) the mosque to say her
    9. It was a cold but lovely day. From Mount Okrąglica they & & & & & & & & .(see) a
    marvellous view over the Tatras.
    10. They came back home after it & & & & & & & & ..(get) dark [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
