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    arrested for something else. I don t want to do this. The pleading in
    his voice almost undid Levi, but he held firm.
     I thought we decided to let me do the thinking? We re going to
    eat breakfast, get dressed, and go talk to Luke. We ll figure shit out
    from there.
    Like a small child who had been scolded and sent to his room,
    Archer dropped his head, his shoulders sagged, and he shuffled
    toward the kitchen.  Whatever you think is best.
    Levi smiled in approval. At least the man learned quickly. Very
    rarely did Levi not get his way especially when he set his mind to
    Half an hour later, they headed to town with full bellies and
    Archer dressed in his dirty jeans and one of Levi s button-down
    shirts.  We re going to have to get you something to wear that
    actually fits. He wouldn t say it out loud, but he liked the way
    Archer looked in his clothes. Still, it would be better for both of them
    if they didn t get too comfortable together.
     Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It was the first thing Archer
    had said since he d told Levi to do what he thought was best. His
    voice was low and muffled, and he shifted to turn himself more
    toward the passenger door, as much as the safety belt would allow.
     You really don t want to do this, do you?
    Archer continued to stare out the window, but he shook his head
    slightly.  No, I really don t.
     What happened to make you distrust the police?
     Nothing, Archer answered flatly. There was a story there, but
    Levi doubted he d hear it any time soon.
    Pulling up in front of the station, Levi cut the engine and stepped
    out of the pickup. He walked around the front to stand at the foot of
    the front steps and wait for Archer. The man moved slowly, and Levi
    Dance With the Devil 49
    wondered if he was hurting. His left eye was black and blue, and he
    caught glimpses of the bruises marring the smooth skin over Archer s
    ribs and back. The guy hadn t complained once, though.
     Maybe we should head over to the clinic and let Doc check you
    out when we re done here.
     No doctors.
    So, it wasn t only the police that Archer had issues with. It
    seemed to be anyone in a position of power. It probably wasn t any of
    his business, but that didn t damper Levi s curiosity. Not only did he
    usually get what he wanted, but he knew how to be patient and wait
    for it to come to him.
     You might have some cracked ribs.
     I don t.
    Levi kept his groan to himself as he jogged up the wooden steps,
    crossed the faded planks of the porch, and walked into the sheriff s
    station that looked more like a log cabin than anything. He greeted the
    dispatcher by name, inquiring about her husband and kids. Archer just
    kept darting glances toward the exit like he planned to run at any
    Reaching out casually, Levi rested his hand on Archer s shoulder
    and squeezed the tight muscles in comfort while he continued to chat
    with the pretty brunette. He smiled inwardly when he felt the tension
    ease a bit, and Archer actually leaned more heavily against his side.
    Levi doubted the kid even knew he did it.
     Well, Debbie, it sounds like you got your hands full with them
    youngins. I think Luke is expecting us. Could you let him know we re
     Oh, Levi, Luke went out on a call to the Cherokee Ranch. He ll
    probably be back soon if you want to wait for him.
     Does he still have the Cooper boys here? Archer asked with a
    lot more hostility than Levi felt the question warranted. He squeezed
    harder on the man s shoulder in reprimand. Archer just ignored him
    as he glared at Debbie in accusation.
    50 Gabrielle Evans
    What the hell?
    Debbie s brow furrowed, and she looked up at Levi in confusion.
     Justin and his brothers ain t been in since they got drunk and started
    that fire about three weeks ago. Of course, they started the fire on
    their own farm.
     I watched Luke put those boys in the back of his SUV last
    night. Suddenly, Levi was the one tense and spoiling for a fight.
     They aren t in the drunk tank?
    Debbie shook her head, her eyebrows drawing closer together.
     Levi, what on earth are you going on about? There weren t nobody
    here except Luke when I came in this morning. This is a quiet town,
    and you know that. People mind their own and keep to themselves.
    Archer snorted derisively, and Levi felt the urge to do the same. It
    was a nosey town full of gossip. He couldn t so much as wipe his ass
    on Friday night without it making the Sunday morning paper.
     Can we go now? Please? Archer still sounded angry, but there
    was a twinge of fear just under the surface.
     Yeah, let s get out of here. He ushered Archer toward the exit,
    his teeth grinding together at the implications of the entire incident.
     Tell Luke to give me a call, he yelled over his shoulder as they
    slipped out into the afternoon sunshine.
    It was a warm, cloudless day, the sky that perfect shade of blue
    that Levi assumed only existed in paintings. Though they were
    winding down the first week of October, the grass was still green,
    lush, and inviting. It wouldn t last much longer, not now that fall had
    taken over the land, turning the leaves and dropping them from the
    While warm, there was a crisp breeze that ruffled his hair and
    clothes. It wasn t cold, but it carried the special scent of autumn that
    Levi loved so much. It really was his favorite time of the year.
     I wanna show you something.
    Archer glanced from Levi s groin to his face a couple of times and
    wiggled his eyebrows playfully. Instead of pissing him off, Levi
    Dance With the Devil 51
    found himself laughing as he led the way to his truck. Damn, the man
    was going to be the death of him. He didn t know how he d keep his
    distance for another twenty-something days not when Archer was
    just too damn tempting for his own good.
    The curse be damned, Levi only had to look at the man to know
    that he d want him regardless. The intensity of his feelings might be
    affected by Pathos s game, but the feelings themselves were genuine.
     I think I like you, Archer Neilson.
    Archer gave him a half smile and dipped his head.  I think I like
    you, too, Levi Dawson.
    52 Gabrielle Evans
    Chapter Six
     Where are we going? Once they d arrived back at Levi s house,
    the man hadn t even taken time to go inside. He d immediately
    jumped from the pickup and led Archer around the small ranch house
    and across the field that served as his backyard. Archer idly wondered
    how many acres Levi owned and if he did anything with them.
    Levi smiled at him but didn t answer. Instead he led him over a
    small crest and waved his hand toward the view just down the slope.
    Archer felt the grin stretch over his face to mirror Levi s as he stared
    down at the manmade pond. It wasn t large, almost perfectly circular,
    and the water was a dark, murky brown. Archer thought it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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