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(opracowała Alina Kapciak)
Adorno Theodor Wiesengrund 61 - Capecchi Vittorio 76
-63, 67, 70, 107, 109-111, 150, Chapman Phillip C. 83
154, 184, 204 Charin Jurij Andriejewicz 94
Anderson Charles A. 166, 182 Christie Robert M. 12, 117, 149, 156,
Andreski Stanislav 131 158
Arendt Hannah 82 Chruszczow Nikita Siergiejewicz 69
Aron Raymond 83 Clecak Peter 64, 70
Cohen Wilber J. 79
Cohn-Bendit Daniel 74, 75
Bali Richard A. 103
Colfax J. David 74, 113
Bandyopadhyay Pradeep 75, 113,
Comte Auguste 16 - 18, 24 - 33, 35,
133, 134
Baran Paul 63, 70 49-52, 54, 140, 188
Connoly John M. 110
Barton Allen H. 130
Coser Lewis A. 70, 75, 81, 82, 84,
Batałow Eduard Jakowlewicz 15
Bauer Bruno 43 128, 129, 131
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